February 18, 2009
For Immediate Release:
Cold Comfort: Winter Portraits at The Montrose Portrait Gallery
The Montrose Portrait Gallery of Canada presents a show of hot art in a cold space at our not-at-all winterized gallerage, opening Saturday, March 6, at 4 p.m. (Blizzard date, March 13)
Twenty-odd artists, including Rob Elliot, Noah Kalina, Danielle Meder, Jennifer Wigmore and Mendleson Joe, are featured in this frigid blast of warm visage. Chill alongside fellow patrons at our opening or book an appointment (no cold calling; we need time to get the space heater going!) by emailing Montrose@theportraitgallery.ca. Appointments accepted until April 30th.
The Montrose Portrait Gallery of Canada was established in jovial protest in 2007. Frustrated with the government’s continued inaction on the state of our National Portrait Gallery, The MPOG continues to offer a cheap and cheeky alternative.
Submissions always welcome: Bring your portrait, or contact us for mailing instructions.
For more information, please:
Email Montrose@theportraitgallery.ca
And visit our website at ThePortraitGallery.ca